When we began this project, our plan was to make a musical about a man with schizophrenia who falls in love with a girl and the problems they overcome through their lives to try and overcome said schizophrenia. To an extent we followed this up, however the outcome suffered many cutbacks and failures which lead to it in total being a complete mess that is at best a mediocre short film. I will first start with the strengths of the project (as there weren't too many). The concept itself, albeit very ambitious, seemed quite strong and compelling. The abnormal boy trying to get along in a normal reality which hates him for who he is seems to practically write itself with character interactions being able to be very realistic despite this not working as all but one dialogue interaction was cut and the one that made the final cut was mid-song and so rushed that the characters have no chemistry together which was the exact opposite of the intent. The camera shots also turned out well, I ...
'The Gunfighter' is a film about a gunfighter who enters a bar an engages in conversation with the narrator, a voice usually unheard, and the conflict in the omniscience of the new-found voice leads the characters in the bar to nigh insanity as they are turned against each other. 'The Gunfighter' uses an elaborate set with intricate mise-en-scene to help immerse the spectator better in the western setting. This is a professional aspect of film making and as I am making a film on an extremely minor budget, I will not be able to create such a incredible set; instead I will have to use a set that I already have like my house or the woodland though I doubt this will be an issue as horror films are normally set in a more realistic, natural set so that spectators can project themselves onto the set and the characters and empathise with them to make them get more emotion out of the film. The use of a shallow depth of field in the opening shots is effective as the shot focu...
'Night Fishing' (much like 'The Grandmother' and 'Meshes of the Afternoon') is an experimental film and is relatively difficult to grasp the story of however it seems to be a story about a father dealing with his own regret in abandoning his wife and child for his own love of fishing, a story represented through him fishing up his daughter. The story then progresses to the daughter and gives us her side of the story supposedly. 'Night Fishing' seems to at first lean towards being a music video. This is incredibly evident through the use close ups of instruments, close-ups on performers, odd visuals that slightly relate to the song/band and the constant jump cuts. I would like to use part of this maybe for further along in the main character's progression where they are murdering someone to maybe show how trivial it is for them and make it more of a disturbing feel to linger on the death of the person. The shallow depth of field here is also somethi...
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