Narrative Planning for 'The Bargainer'

Rough Narrative Plan

Scene 1
  • Man sits on bed and eats somewhat desperately.
  • Bargainer arrives and speaks to him (text shown in subtitles/ as a title on screen).
  • Bargainer asks for apple, eats it and in return offers a knife to the man.
  • The man is very confused by this gift and in questioning the Bargainer, he gets no answers and the Bargainer disappears into the shadows.
Scene 2
  • The man walks about his house and begins to notice distortions in the world around him, slight differences occurring that seem to cause him distress. He sees visions of people dead and nightmarish imagery.
  • He sees a woman(implicitly related) and asks her if she's seen a hooded figure around here, to which she is merely dumbfounded and takes him up to his room to sleep. 
Scene 3
  • During his sleep he has a disturbing dream sequence where the Bargainer observes him murdering helpless people. 
Scene 4
  • The man awakes bolt upright and sweating beads; he scans the room for a sign of anyone but alas he cannot find the Bargainer however there is an evil red glint in his eye..
  • There is a knock at the door and the man grabs for the knife.
  • The woman opens the door with a food tray and is slashed by the man and abruptly, she falls to the floor. 
  • Overcome by his bloodlust, the crazed man eats the flesh of the woman (this is a parallel to the eating of the apple).
  • A hand is placed upon the man's shoulder- it is the Bargainer and he looks the man in the eye. 
  • The Bargainer assimilates the man and they become one, his head rises up and it cuts to black.


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