Evaluation of 'The Grandmother'

'The Grandmother' is an experimental film that seems to be a mash-up of different footage however the main focus seems to be on a child who is abused by his father, he seems to take an seed/egg of sorts and plant it and watches it grow on his bed, becoming more monstrous with each change.

The non-diegetic audio builds up over time and seems to be the key to building the tension as this is a silent film. Included with this is a monotone drone that is often part of the non-diegetic audio which creates this feeling as if something is there even when there isn't. As my film is also a silent film, audio seems to be important to conveying the mood of what is going on. As I want a sort of distort to reality, using atonal music or slightly unnerving music may be better for disturbing spectators and creating a horrific atmosphere. The mies-en-scene of the boy is also incredibly disturbing with him wearing white makeup on his face, making him look gravely ill and red makeup around his eyes and lips, giving a feeling that he is bleeding. This sort of appearance with his over expressive facial expressions makes his performance very creepy and the character that we would normally convey ourselves onto seems to have a striking disconnect with the spectator. This is something I will use but as a character arc as opposed to a starting aspect. I want my main character to begin as a relatable person that most spectators can project themselves onto and then slowly The Bargainer will convert them into a more grotesque and animalistic shell of their former self. I believe that this progression of character will make spectators either fear how far they are growing from the character or empathise with the main character and see the fear in the fact that they may be just as easily coaxed in such a situation.

'The Grandmother' often uses extreme close-ups which are incredibly personal and invasive. In fact even when they use long shots they use the unsaturated pallet with either a strong saturated colour like with the boys urine on the bed or a darker more implicit prop in the mise-en-scene like the black fluid near the mother that could be blood to create disturbing enigmas. I will most likely use a similarly unsaturated look via editing to create a dull, blank look to the world while using strong colour lighting to create atmosphere in specific scenes where needed.

The creature on the boy's bed is also very seldom shown in its entirety. The mere use of implying it is there or showing minuscular details creates the enigma of what is could be and relies on creating fear from spectators imagination. Films such as 'Alien' and 'Jaws' rely on similar effects, hiding the poor prop/costumes used as the creature by masking how much is shown and using the spectators sense of mystery to evoke fear. I will more than likely have to use this aspect with The Bargainer as I do not have enough of a budget to create a very realistic, intimidating figure so therefore I will have to use implicit closeups to make the enigma of the creature more intimidating than the creature would be alone.


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